La Presse article about the attack on two men in the Eastern Townships.
Comments by Louis Audet-Gosselin, Scientific and Strategic Director of the CPRLV, in La Presse article about the attack on two men in the Eastern Townships. “There is a significant increase that is fueled by a form of fear, misinformation and a lot of hate messages circulating online that will translate into acts directly or indirectly […]
24h news article about the danger of incels
24h article “The real danger of ‘incels’: a study peels back the messages these frustrated single men send each other” “What can unite these men, of very different ages and profiles, is this feeling of being sidelined or “not achieving what they feel entitled to achieve”, explains Louis Audet Gosselin, Scientific and Strategic Director of […]
Interview with TVA Nouvelle : « Comment prévenir les jeunes pour éviter qu’ils se retrouvent dans les gangs de rue? »
Interview and TVA Nouvelles article with Pierreson Vaval, director of armed violence prevention at the CPRLV. “Vaval says teenagers need a healthy sense of belonging. They “must find their place in their family and find their place in our society so that they no longer find what is offered to them interesting,” he mentioned.” September […]
Radio-Canada interview about an incident of armed violence in Verchères
“Last Friday (August 23, 2024), a father was beaten and threatened with a firearm after asking a motorist to slow down. Isabelle Richer interviews Pierreson Vaval, director of gun violence prevention at CPRMV. August 27, 2024 Watch the interview here!
TVA Nouvelles article: ” Agression à La Belle et La Bœuf: la GRC étudie la possibilité d’un acte terroriste “
TVA Nouvelles article about the assault with a knife that took place in a Chicoutimi restaurant on December 20. Louis Audet-Gosselin is participation as an expert in radicalization leading to violence. 12 janvier 2024 Check out the french article here!
La Presse article: “La piste terroriste envisagée”
Comment by Louis Audet-Gosselin, Scientific and Strategic Director of the CPRLV, in the La Presse article about the attack with a knife on three employees of a Chicoutimi restaurant on December 20, 2023. January 11, 2024. Read the french article here!
Interview on Radio-Canada’s ICI RDI
Interview on Radio-Canada’s ICI RDI Interview of Pierreson Vaval, Director of Armed Violence Prevention at the CPRLV, by Isabelle Richer of Radio-Canada about the “record number of minors accused of murder in 2022 in Canada.” November 30th, 2023 Watch the french interview here!