Radicalization leading to violence requires both an individualised and a global approach: this is why community support in this area can be complex and delicate. At the CPRLV, our support is designed to take into account a plurality of approaches and practices.
They aim to:
- Address the specific needs of individuals through non-violent alternative means.
- Provide support to at-risk individuals through early identification of vulnerability and protective factors associated with different aspects of the process of radicalization leading to violence.
- Put individuals in contact with other victims or former radicals to share their experiences.
- Provide support and listening to:
o persons worried about individuals they know;
o friends and family of radicalized individuals;
o persons who have lost a loved one due to the latter’s involvement in a violent radical group or movement;
o professionals in contexts of situations of radicalization leading to violence and hate behaviour;
o people facing or have faced radicalization.
- Encourage the involvement of individuals in situations of radicalization or at risk and their families in activities around the themes associated with the issue (critical thinking, polarization, sense of stigma and belonging, identity, etc.).
*The support will be adapted according to the needs of the service requested.