Montréal : 514 687-7141 #116        Elsewhere in Québec : 1 877 687-7141 #116 Or via our form



Explore our series of practical guides on diverse issues pertaining to radicalization leading to violence, designed to help front-line actors in a variety of sectors become better informed and play a more effective role in prevention.


Be you a parent, teacher, social worker, health professional or private citizen, the CPRLV has developed a variety of simple tools tailored to your needs to help you become better informed and raise awareness about radicalization leading to violence, and to enable you to play an active role in its prevention.


Consult and download our research reports and memos, as well as expert literature produced by the CPRLV. Our publications address a broad range of topics, offering non-partisan information on issues pertaining to radicalization leading to violence and its prevention.

  • 11 November 2022
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  • News

The CPRLV at the RCJEQ Congress

On November 3rd and 4th, the CPRLV went to Lévis for the Congress of the Réseau des carrefours jeunesse-emploi du Québec! The CPRLV team was able to present our services and to create strong links with partners from the region of Quebec.
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