The CPRLV offered the second workshop in the series in collaboration with the Montreal LGBTQ+ Community Centre on “Can we say everything, can we hear everything? ». This workshop aimed to answer the following questions: Are there restrictions on our freedom of expression? Do we have any obligations regarding this ? What are the implications for individuals and groups ? How to reconcile freedom of expression and living together ? What are possible remedies when you believe you are the victim of a hate incident?
The discussion with participants thus made it possible to name the issues and possible solutions present in Montreal, including ignorance, hatred, stereotypes, civic responsibility, the importance of education and therefore the need to become better informed in order to strive for equality of the human race, to fight for others in order to create equality of freedom.
To find out about the next workshops in this series, intended for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers as well as LGBTQ+ accepted refugees, consult the following brochure:
- Posted by info-radical
- On 11 June 2020