While survivalism draws increasing attention in our societies, especially in the context of the coronarivus pandemic, this webinar will explore this radical lifestyle, that often consists of preparing to various catastrophes through survival techniques and activities, can sometimes involves political ramifications, despite the fact that most people adopt it for recreational reasons.
While a survivalist lifestyle might be considered radical, the relationship between survivalism, extreme ideologies, and violence, must be properly unpacked in order to accurately understand the nuances displayed within this heterogenous movement. This webinar will thus explore the historical, cultural, and ideological origins of survivalism, which will allow us to better understand the linkages between survivalism and violent extremism, and more precisely to certain far-right extremist groups inspired by or adhering to this movement. Conversely, we will examine how certain apolitical survivalist groups practice this radical lifestyle without any ideological or violent agenda.
Date and Time:
July 29, 2020, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., in French
July 30, 2020, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., in English
Registration at info@info-radical.org
- Posted by info-radical
- On 22 July 2020