Better understanding the many faces of the far-right
The Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence presents the round-table discussion “Better understanding the many faces of the far-right”. This event will be our opportunity to explore issues related to the prevention of radicalization leading to violence through a panel discussion with former extremists.
The Centre will also launch 2 prevention tools, namely:
- A short film that depicts the journey of a former skinhead from Montreal and his now-engagement for the prevention of radicalization leading to violence.
- The comic book Radicalishow 3 : They are among us which illustrates various trajectories of former far-right extremists, developed with our partner AVE Network – Institute of Strategic Dialogue. For this project, we will host the following panelists :
- Maxime Fiset, Project Associate, CPRLV
- Elisa Hategan, Regional coordinator, AVE Network
- Brad Galloway, Regional coordinateur, AVE Network
- Eldiablo, Illustrator of “Radicalishow”, Volumes 1,2,3
By placing education and public awareness at the heart of its approach, the Centre seeks to strengthen the resilience of society’s most vulnerable individuals and to promote social togetherness.
When: Tuesday, November 13, 2018, from 9:00 AM to 11:30AM
Where: Bibliothèques des Archives Nationales du Québec Auditorium, 475 de Maisonneuve East blvd, Montreal QC, H2L 5C4
*Please note that the entrance is located on Berri St.
RSVP at info@info-radical.org
The event will be bilingual : in French and in English.
- Posted by info-radical
- On 22 October 2018