As part of their first collaboration, the CPRLV and the Centre de ressource pour la prévention des radicalités sociales (CRPRS) based in Lille, France, jointly organized a series of webinars on the prevention of radicalization leading to violence and hate-motivated acts.
Throughout the month of June, this collaboration will offer 4 webinars facilitated by CPRLV trainers. The first webinar was entitled “Preventing Radicalization Leading to Violence: What are we talking about? Part 1”.
With its mandate to raise awareness on the issue of radicalization leading to violence, the CPRLV was able to offer participants theoretical elements but also empirical examples through this first training. At the end of the training, a distinction activity was proposed to allow participants to put into practice the notions acquired during the webinar.
- Posted by info-radical
- On 5 June 2020